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THE06: Learn How to be Calm and Remove Anxiety From Your World

Our Guest is Nicola Taggart

Nicola Taggart photoThis episode is impactful for one main reason; it’s about learning how to be calm.  And this is something I’ve struggled with for so much of my life.

Being calm is simply about being intentional with the energy you bring into the world and into your experience.  Another way of saying that is to consider your reaction (or response) to things.

Your reaction is simply based on your interpretation of things or an event around you.  Or, the meaning you give to a situation or thing around you.

How you interpret that thing ~ the meaning you give it ~ will absolutely dictate how you respond, how you react, and what energy you then put out into the world.

All that can quickly have you feeling out of control and full of anxiety.  Certainly that was the case for me for quite a long time.

Personally, I was able to make small, consistent adjustments to my thought pattern, my well being, my eating and sleeping habits, I’ve begun meditating which has been game changing… until slowly but surely my anxiety reduces to a level that I am in full control of.

I call my guest today “the Queen of Calm” not only because she is the creator of the Calm the Chaos Journal, but because she has mastered the ways you can calm the chaos of your internal world and your external world.

I hope this episode has as much positively calming impact on your day to day life as it’s had on mine.  Here we go…

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Calm The Chaos Journal

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