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THE92: From Grief to Acceptance: Healing While Honoring Our Loved Ones

Our Guest is Misty Thompson

Misty Thompson photoImagine this worst-case scenario… Your sibling goes missing and after a grueling 55-day search, you receive the devastating news that her body has been discovered in the Arizona desert.  It’s an apparent murder that to this day remains unsolved.

You are left with more questions than answers.  Further, you work in the State’s prison where showing any kind of emotion or vulnerability is not allowed or encouraged, and is seen as a sign of weakness.

How in the world do you process this and handle the grief you desperately need to work through?

This is the real life story of our guest today.  Meet Misty Thompson.

Misty lived through this horrific ordeal and has successfully navigated her way through the grieving process.

She is the author of the new book From Grief to Acceptance, and an intuitive spiritual life coach.  Misty is here to discuss how we can shift the paradigm of judgment through the grieving process to compassion and integrate this as our new norm in life and in business.

Welcome Misty Thompson.

Connect Further with Misty Thompson

Official Website
From Grief to Acceptance: An Active Process for Healing While Honoring Our Loved Ones (Book)

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