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THE86: Your Gut Health Is A Direct Path To Your Success

Our Guest is Mariana Doria

Mariana Doria photoOur guest today is a graduate communicator from the University of Lima, a yoga instructor and a health coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Her passion for gut health began in the summer of 2018, while she had some gastrointestinal problems even though she was following an “almost perfect” diet.

Her frustration increased because as far as she knew, she was eating “super healthy”. It wasn’t until our guest discovered the study of the human microbiome and decided to venture to know what was happening within our bodies on a bacterial level.

The results were amazing. Those healthy foods that she consumed in abundance were causing the harm, because she did not have enough bacteria to digest them.

From that moment, she decided to help more people to discover the exact foods that they should be eating for their unique body makeup.

Welcome Mariana Doria.

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